In today’s fast paced world people have a low tolerance for not being able to speak to someone when they call. For every client that leaves a message on your voice mail, two others will not and will try one of your competitors.
Your Virtual Business Centre ensure your customers will always reach someone on the other end of the phone by providing personalised Phone & Diary Management for your business.
Evolve Achieve Grow
Your Virtual Business Centre provides a personalised Phone & Diary Management system and will answer all incoming calls on behalf of your company. Your Virtual Business Centre answer all calls with “Thank you for calling (company name)”. Utilising this service allows you and your staff to get on with the job without unnecessary interruptions. Time is priceless especially in business.
We book appointments with clients. We gather all criteria needed by your company so appointment times are not wasted. Long term sales opportunities will also be identified for future follow up and nurturing.
Your Virtual Business Centre sources the database solution that will meet your requirements; product needs and target your ideal clients. We endeavor to supply a list with the key decision makers.
Your Virtual Business Centre create productive emails with your company logo’s promoting your services and products to a wider audience. Our highly trained staff track the email results allowing you to see who has opened it, what they were interested in and who they have shared the email with.
Your Virtual Business Centre has in-house facilities to do mass mailouts to market your business. Mailout services includes printing, folding and inserting the letter and any flyers into an envelope, stamping and delivery to Australia Post.
Your Virtual Business Centre provides a personalised Phone & Diary Management system and will answer all incoming calls on behalf of your company. Your Virtual Business Centre answer all calls with “Thank you for calling (company name)”. Utilising this service allows you and your staff to get on with the job without unnecessary interruptions. Time is priceless especially in business.
The Hub
- Appointment Setting
- Appointment Confirmation
- Data Base Sourcing of Decision Makers
- Productive Newsletter/Email Campaigns